That's not gangsta!!!
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
These ridiculously wrapped feet sat next to me, the owner of them was listening to somekind of intense audio which resulted in him LAUGHING to HIMSELF for 20 minutes.
My rags to slightly better rags story is basically summed up like this: From no-good bum to journalist scum. I love it.
That's not gangsta!!!
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
These ridiculously wrapped feet sat next to me, the owner of them was listening to somekind of intense audio which resulted in him LAUGHING to HIMSELF for 20 minutes.
FAO Danny Walker
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
I know the postal system is a bit messed up at the moment but... Lol to the person who thought this would get to me. Anyway the contents (a movement CD) was most welcome. Look in the magazine if you want our address...
Don't You Just Love It...
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Don't You Just Love It...
When you go to get on a bus (that you can't really bunk - unless you're a determined fiend) and the oyster machine is broken.
Its like finding a pound coin in the pocket of your jeans???
The Next Level Of Odd Socks
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
This Boy - who shall remain nameless - took odd socks to a new level today.. A white stinky sock and a grey/ blue combo!!! Come on
Nintendo Wii
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
I've been a bit busy lately - hence the lack of blogging - here is a picture of what I've been working on. It may be released NEXT WEEK but... You know how I do. PlayStation 3, what's that?
^^^BoyWonder with our UMA!?!?!
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
I was pissed (drunk) on Friday as you do and I got a call from BoyWonder [pictured] telling me how we won a UMA. I didn't want to go due to prior arrangements but I should have just to see the look on a certain WASTE EDITORS face.
BoyWonder had this to say... "After receiving the award from Aisleyne from Big Brother and deliverin' my freestyle was all a daze from there... With everyone from Michelle Gayle to pr agents breadin me... It was a good night."
I know he said this a while ago but December 11 see the release of Plan B's The Remixes, included is two crazy mixes of 'No More Eatin', I bet you thought the original was hard. "Hit the road jack... YOU'VE GOT TO HIT 'EM BACK!!!"
You can now buy the 320kbps mp3 of the Hadouken mix and the benni g brookes brothers drum n bass mix from the 679/ digital store 679 Bleep Store.
Above is a stalker-style pic of Ben Drew, when he was editor of RWD. Check to hear the Hadouken mix.
Who Knows About... [Volume 1]
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Eating toasted chicken and stuffing sandwiches, drinking a BIG ARSE cup of tea and watching MTV Base???
With their Rules & Regulations mixtape released at the end of the month, Roll Deep are back, and this time it’s on a more conscious level…
Not content with top 20 chart hits, touring with 50 Cent, Juelz Santana and Snoop Dogg and gathering a fanbase that would make a Premiership football team jealous, the East London grime collective are about to drop their follow up to In At the Deep End. The first track to be taken from Rules & Regulations is Badman, a tale of street life and consequences. A confident Flow Dan tells RWD, “I think its not necessary one message that we tell [on Badman] but we look at the options. We let you know what possibly could happen.”
Produced by industry acclaimed Jake Nava Badman’s another good addition to his impressive CV – which includes work with the likes of Usher, BĂ©yonce, Kelis, Shola Ama, Blue, Jamelia, Tina Turner and Ms Dynamite. With the vid backed by Trident (, it’s good to see lyrical content and positive messages being sent directly to the streets.
Click here to watch Badman on RWD TV
For more info on Jake Nava one of the hottest music video directors, or to find out what Roll Deep are up to next check
I was just watching Lord of the Mics 2 [I know, I'm long but it's been in my bag for the last month or so... very busy] Anyway, with Mercston in jail and Ghetto rolling with The M.O.V.E.M.E.N.T. What is Demon up to? After Bashy deaded him on their clash (well as much as sounded kinda better) where will he go? Demon's World Volume 2?!?!?
In all honesty, I don't really care, I just wanted to post this big pic... taken by yours truly. Look at Demon brushing his hair lol.
Junk emails have had enough of pussy-footing around, they have started to come with a more hardcore/ direct approach.
Subject: Hurry Up And Become A Man
Sick of banging chicks with your small d***?
I bet they are.
If we can't help, no one can.
[The links to the DEADOUT websites have been removed]
Can you believe the attitude on these guys?!?!? Someone should take them of the special bus, pull them to one side and tell them that this is not the correct approach. lol at their attempt though.
Ok, I only have about 12 seconds so let's do this...
Saw III is sick, its not quite as gorry as the original (obviously) or Saw II. But it has its moments. If you don't throw up, scream or at least put your hands in front of yours eyes, you didn't watch the film I saw (see what I did there?).
When your busy fingers are free and have stopped updating your MySpace page, we might need them and you…
It’s that time of year again when the industry looks upon, Record of the Day to tell them who’s the best of the best in publishing. Naturally we’re up again as Best Magazine, website ( AND Editor… the amazing Hattie Collins. Here’s what the Sunday Times’s Dan Carins had to say about Record of the Day… "I'm probably a bit biased as I won one, but I thought it was a really fun evening, amazingly harmonious given the rivalry and fragile egos in the room (mine included!), a long overdue beanfest in recognition of the work everyone involved does, plus a nice and healthy note of competition. I'd definitely go again, award or not, it was a really good chance to meet up with people and have a gossip. Thanks for all your work in organising it, and for your invaluable daily and weekly feeds throughout the year."
Remember you’re not obliged to vote in EVERY category… just the one’s that we’re in (for Hattie Collins and RWD of course).
For those that didn't read the RWDmag Breaking news...
Part One (the day before the verdict)
Since November 14, Carl Dobson (Crazy Titch), Dwayne J. Mahorn (Durrty Goodz previously Doogz) and Anthony Green (step-father) have been on remand and charged with the murder of Richard Holmes. When the court case started on September 11, the Central Criminal Court in London’s Old Bailey has seen protected witnesses, analysing of lyrics and numerous evidence such as mobile phone records presented in front of a 12 person jury.
It may have started out in court 10 but now the (approaching) two month old trial has been bumped up to the more high-profile court 1. The same court that has seen many a high-status case, more recently seeing So Solid’s Dwayne Vincent aka Megaman cleared of murder in September.
After all the evidence was collected last week the Defence and the Prosecution rested and the jury were sent out to deliberate. Today in court, the defendants awaited their fate. With the jury deliberating since Friday their decision was supposed to be imminent. The first person to take their seat was Titch, minus his ‘Crazy Pimp’ hat he was in a plain grey tracksuit and looked untroubled with proceedings yet nervous. The second was an unrecognisable Goodz, in cream top and grey bottoms. Crazy’s step-brother (previously on Polydor Records) was different to the eye as he was minus his trademark braids as seen in Dubplate Drama and sporting reading glasses. He seemed distant from everyone around him and was followed by Anthony Green their step-father who was in a shirt and tie, his hair was out in an afro style and he sat slumped in his chair.
In the viewing gallery was the victim’s mother, aunt, sister and other family and friends. Sat opposite were the defendant’s family/ friends, including Carl’s mother Catherine Nathanial and football coach, Ray. After the court was adjourned for lunch, Ms Nathanial tells RWD, “I remember the issues Carl was in, I bet you remember Romeo.” She states of Crazy’s dog who NO-ONE can forget. “I’ve been coming back and forth to this court since September 11...” She goes on to tell RWD her views on the case and the way they’ve been treated. [To read more of what Crazy Titch’s mother has to say about him, the case and more inside court news… Stay locked to or pick up the next issue].
Whilst we wait for the jury to make their decision Ray, tells RWD about Crazy’s footballing ability, “He’s sh*t,” Ray jokes and continues with, “He plays on the right wing. I remember when he scored his first goal, he ran around the pitch… twice.” After more talk of the case, we’re invited back into Court 1. As the judge enters, we rise and then await the jury.
They take a long slow time to get to their seats and tell the judge a decision is still not agreed, they are now going onto their sixth day of looking over evidence. Stay tuned for more updates on this case as and when it happens.
Part Two (The Verdict)... I wrote this moments after leaving the court...
After six days of deliberating, the jury finally came back with their verdict today at 2pm. It was a short wait for proceedings to start as the viewing gallery slowly filled with police and friends/ family of the defendants. Yesterday we told you what has happened so far and when the jury slowly took their seats a hush swarmed Court 1.
In the dock sat Carl Dobson (Crazy Titch) who wore a black blazer and grey patterned t-shirt, he was joined by the second defendant and step-brother Goodz (again in cream top and grey bottoms) and a shirt and tie-clad step father, Anthony Green. Titch was looking round the room and seemed tired, Goodz had his hands in a prayer-like pose, with his head down and Green sat furthest away from the gallery. First the jury were told to stand, then the defendants. The judge turned to the jury and asked the head/ lead juror if they had reached a verdict. She relayed in a semi-confident manor that they had.
23 year-old Carl Dobson and 35 year-old Anthony Green were found guilty of murder. As soon as Titch’s verdict was read out Goodz broke into tears and was rocking back and forth to await his own fate. Dwayne J. Mahorn (Durry Goodz) was found not guilty of murder or the lesser charge of manslaughter. At that point the judge sent Goodz away to be released with immediate effect.
After the verdict (which shocked friends and family in the gallery) - with Titch’s distraught mother leaving only to return moments later, the list of previous convictions were read out for sentencing.
Serving 332 days and 328 days respectively, Crazy Titch and Anthony Green awaited the judge’s summary. Onlookers listened in as he read out a heart-felt statement from the 21 year-old victim Richard Holme’s mother. Finishing his summary he went on to state, “even though we can’t say who fired the fatal shots…”, “Holmes met a chilling and unnecessary death.”, “Holmes was shot in the arm, leg and the back (as he obviously tried to run away.”, “Dobson you played a prominent role in his death.” The trial ended with them both being sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Stay locked to and the next issue of RWD [out Nov 17] for more information/ details
You know when a momentous occasion comes along and all over journalists, bloggers and grime/ UK/ urban writers are way behind, it has to get the ‘EXCLUSIVE’ tag. Well listen up guys (including the aforementioned), it’s true… I’ve got my hands on TROPICAL and… it’s biG – with a capital G.
I know... this is great...
Here is the packaging, you’ll notice Raj Kapone looking on from afar, wondering where I got it from and how.
I bet you can't wait...
JME and he's people give me jokes. Check out the latest video blog update.
Very very funny... Go over to to leave your comments. I also read his 'Disclaimer' and cracked up. Check this line... "I do not allow HTML comments anywhere, so if i see you try And HTML me, i will send you Sasser worm or Derkhead Trojan V1.3 And crash your server. Please be more aware of whats going on. "
Quote of the Week - Nurishment???
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Boywonder often makes me laugh, this week apart from his delayed write up of an interview or THREE, he scooped Quote of the Week. He turned around and said, "Damn, I grabbed this can this morning, thinking it was Nurishment." Ha ha ha... Slipping.
CCTV never looked so good!!!
Danny Walker Swimming
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Who's idea was it to bag the magazine's OURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
... There is no story to go with this pic... except... who remembers...
Professor Green’s official website is now finally here and up-and-running, fresh in time for him to talk about his new video…
Mike Skinner must be proud of one of his latest signings, well proud enough to fork out on a fresh new website for his The Beats label rapper. As the 22 year-old readies his debut album, the Upper Clapton resident still has enough time to leave a message for his fans regarding the forthcoming Before I Die video, “No, unfortunately its not here yet, but we did shoot it last Wednesday. It should be ready in about a fortnight so get ready as it’s a liiiiiittle bit out there. Until then you can check out some behind the scenes photos.” Stay tuned as the video looks like it will follow on from previous filmed trinkets, Stereotypical Man and Skinner's When You Wasn’t Famous Remix and we can reveal that the battle champs LP will be ready Spring 07. For those who can’t wait you can read more about him here: Professor Green – About To Blow.
Before I Die is released November 20th and stay locked for the remix featuring Plan B, Narstie, Ghetto and Example.
To See Him Live…
Oct 27 2006 8:00A
Detonate @ The Rescue Rooms, Nottingham
Nov 7 2006 8:00A
Lovedough @ Digital, Newcastle
Add this to your favourites now…
Missy Elliott, Hammersmith Palis
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
It thought it was alright. The dancers were on-point...
I bet you thought the man who brought you Midnight Request Line, the biggest dub step track to date (yeah, I said it) didn’t have anything else up his Croydonian sleeve, WRONG. He has loads more to come and his debut and self-titled album is just the first. With 11 tracks - including the massive MRL – Skream’s onto a mother dubbin’ winner. Floating from electronic beat to dubbed-out break (and back again), this CD is some kind of seamless stream of playlist worthy pleasantness. I wouldn’t say every track is a ‘banger’, but I would say that every track is commendable and deserves at least 180 seconds of your time; some deserve MUCH more. The co-founder and CEO of Boy Better Know Entertainment gets a feature on Tapped as does She-emperor of the Underground, Warrior Queen. Go get your copy now. 3.5/5
Tracks to talk about on RWD forum: Dutch Flowerz and Tapped Feat. JME
Weird track that I absolutely love: Kut-Off
Now you’ve read the Quick Review, click here to see what happened when RWD got him to act!?!?!
Previous Quick Reviews:
Slew Dem - Non Stop Working
Ok, time for other swish instalment of the popular ‘Quote of the Week’, here’s last week’s – FREE Xbox360. This time I have another cracker for you, its alongside Raj Kapone’s from three weeks ago - 10p a word NONSENSE, and for those who thought I wouldn’t hear another one… too late. It came very early in the week before RWD’s editor HATTIE COLLINS was whisked off to the Dominican Republic (or wherever she is right now).
Hattie Collins: What is The Netherlands? Is it part of Europe [I can’t actually remember what she said but I’ll start here].
Someone: [Geography talk]
Someone else: [… something about something… only at this point I started to actually listen]
Hattie Collins: So where’s Holland? Is Holland in Denmark?
Whole office: OMG!!!
At this point in the afternoon work ceased and everyone went home due to shock. Most of them probably went home to read my Blag of the Century.
Online Review: Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
Those that have been watchin' Da Ali G Show repeatedly - to get their five minute dose of Sacha Baron Cohen's alter ego, 'Borat' - will be please to know the 82 minute feature film packs a festival of fun. The small screen festivities are carried across with pleasant ease; luckily everything you know/ love Borat for is included.
So who is ‘Borat’ and why is he here? To answer your question simply, he’s Kazakhstani TVs most popular news reporter and documentary maker. Introduced to the public in the Channel 4 series (which aired in 2000) we viewed him documenting his ‘Guide to Britain’. The topics covered Etiquette, Hunting and Henley (in which he kisses the male students and gives the ladies a stern handshake). Thankfully Cohen followed up in the second series of Da Ali G Show, with Ali G, Aiii and eventually Borat was his won entity – which was best captured in 2001’s The Best of Borat. Knowing Baron Cohen was onto a good thing; his Kazakhstani reporter was let loose on the Americans with a big screen outing … Oh gosh!!!
Not the first time in the States but definitely the funniest, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (yes, the films full name) sees him on travels across at least 12 of the 52 states. What he’s up to is made clear from the opening credits. Starting out in his own country - which is sandwiched between Uzbekistan and Russia - he travels to the Big Apple with friend and colleague Azamat Bagatov and the two immediately get into allsorts as only Borat Sagdiyev can do. After falling in love with semi-artificial Pamela Anderson, Mr Sagdiyev (I know, I didn’t think he had a second name either) soon finds himself traveling to California to MARRY her. Filming his journey on the way – to better his homeland – he finds himself taking driving lessons, renting a ‘car’, hiring a prostitute and singing the Kazakhstani national anthem pre-rodeo to the tune of Star Spangled Banner (whilst being passionately booed).
For fans of the character/ legend, this is a brilliant film. You may think watching an hour and a half of acting/ documentaries/ footage of Sacha Baron Cohen in full idiot mode is a bit long, but its not. There’s always something different around the corner; from hiring a bear to protect him to simply staying at the house of a Jewish family?!?! Those who are familiar with the irony Borat’s bundled with will be pleased from start to finish; the ticket fee is well worth your pocket money.
For more Borat Sagdiyev madness, click here. 20th Century Fox’s Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (Cert. 15) is out November 3
Let’s make our ejaculation like steel Have you ever wished to have more intense final? It’s absolutely true – just take one before start And the results will impress your girl Just take a look: [link removed] I think, yes. He who dares wins A sly rabbit will have three openings to its den.
What are they on??? Ejaculating steel??? I’m sure women don’t want a metal rod whacked across their breasts. I wonder if anyone actually responds to these. And what is that last line about? Are they stuuuuupid?
I'm currently listening to this CD as well as the 400 grime CDs... How big is the artwork??? Huh? It kinda reminds me of Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker...
I have in my possession a fresh copy of N.A.S.T.Y. by Nature, pure riddims. 20 tracks of grimage, beats and bars. To find out more is you!!! I have so much music to listen to right now its not even a joke.
Right now I'm listening to Devlin's bars for Wiley on my freshly burnt promo of Tales From the Crypt... Above I've posted a little clip from to get your juices flowing?!?!?//???
All I have to say is one word...
Hold tight Mikee the Manager
I have in my hand a copy of Guns and Roses Volume 2... at the moment all I can say is big!!! iPod business straight-away. Here's the tracklisting...
1. Xtra
2. War
3. Cheque
4. Nug
5. Died In My Arms
6. Money or Hate
7. Tell Me ft Alisha Bennett
8. Clio Ft. Young C
9. You Don't Know
10. How You Livin
11. F’in Riddim
12. Banga
13. Killin Em Ft. Words
14. 2016
15. Alright
16. Wot Would U Do? Ft Hazard
17. Sometimes
18. U Make Me Wanna
19. Who’s Da Best
20. Rebore
21. Breath
22. Sound Man
23. London
A very interesting blend of grindie... and its FREE!!!
Moving nicely along in the series, About to Blow in association with MTV Base presents 24 year-old director Mohammad Ali aka Mighty Mo aka the force behind the Pow! and Murkle Man videos... words by Me!!!
With a name like Mohammad Ali, we weren’t surprised when the East Londoner told us of his previous potential career. “I used to be a boxer,” reveals the man known more commonly as Mighty Mo. “I even had two professional fights under my name. It was going well - until I busted my knuckle.” Pre-knuckle buckle, his opponents must have been shook when they looked at the card, but when they saw him, he laughs, they weren’t so scared anymore. “They would say, ‘Yeah, he’s pretty skinny. I can take him.’ They nearly did until I was biting their ankles!” So how did the ex-boxer turn into one of the UK’s most promising video young guns? For that we have to revert to his childhood. Like Mike TV from Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Mo spent much of his early years in front of the box. “I’ll tell you the truth,” he says, opening up to RWD. “When I was younger, the babysitter would just plop me in front of the TV. To me then, it was just noise and flickering lights and stuff, but when I was older, say around 12, all I knew is that I loved the TV itself.”
Getting into the video direction game by chance, Mo remembers his first meeting with Hollywood was totally unexpected. “I used to hang around Beckton and Full Metal Jacket was shot there. On day one, one of the art directors came up to us in a 4x4, asking for a location [to shoot]. We showed him some derelict buildings and he loved it. He was really impressed and asked if I wanted to become one of his assistants over the summer holidays. I did it even though for a while I didn’t even know what I was doing.” Despite, ‘just running about and making tea,’ the budding lensman found himself loving everything, from complex matters like lighting to ‘simple things like waiting for planes to pass before shooting.’ With new cheap Argos camera in tow, Mo started putting together his own short films. “I would go into my local college and just hassle them. After a week and a half they let me in and I learned the basics.”
From those early days of doing Matrix remakes and looking up to Hype Williams and Chris Cunningham - which he still does - Mo has progressed and thrown himself into learning the craft. “I got a random bunch of rappers from around my area, turned them into a crew and made their video,” he says of the first vid that made it onto satellite. “I started charging more and more and thought, ‘Rah, I wanna be a director.’” Mr Ali soon found himself working in LWT studios on daytime projects but the big break came when an MC called Lethal B came knocking. “I showed him my work, he liked it and the next thing you know we’re meeting in a KFC car park talking about a tune called Pow!.” Knowing little but liking a lot, he went to work on a budget of ‘peanuts’ but he still went all-out with it. “I got my friend who does professional lighting, someone’s Dad who does camerawork for the National Geographic channel and mixed that with some people off the street.” That video, as we all know, became one of the grime scene’s most iconic. And memorable. That is until the Murkle Man video came along. “Jammer showed me an image, [RWD’s Issue 44 to be exact] and said he wanted it to be like that. It went from there.” Thanks to the video, that track has blown up the underground leading Mo to work with Plan B, Cream Cartel, Bruza, Choong Family, Blazin’ Squad (if that counts) and many more.
Due to his talent and graft Mo was recently snapped up by a big video production company, Draw Pictures. Getting all retrospective, Mo leaves RWD with a few down-to-earth words, “I’ve seen guys older than me get me cups of tea. That humbles you to think where you’ve got to, and right now there’s lots of work coming in,” he concludes. “I just wanna keep learning and living the dream.”
Look out for Mo productions on your terrestrial box very soon and keep checking or Catch Mo on About to Blow on Sunday September 24 at 7pm on MTV Base