Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hattie Collins in Eurovision 'Grime Entry' Shocker

Hattie Collins in Eurovision 'Grime Entry' Shocker
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.

After the piss-poor attempts that the UK has entered in the last couple of years, not that many people are actually proud of our Eurovision game. Those few that actually watched Eurovision a couple of weeks ago will know. WE CAME 19th (out of 24 counties). Even Latvia killed us on the old ratings.

You may be asking, 'why do RWD care?' Good question; we can no longer stand by and let this country's European music reputation go down de toilette. RWD Editor and freelance journalist (lending her writing talents to the Guardian, Cosmopolitan, Vibe, XXL, NME, i-D, The Big Issue and the infamous has taken it into he own hands and is planning to enter for the 2007 competition. With Terry Wogan shaking in his Hush Puppies, she tells members of staff her reason why, "This years entry was poop. He looked like my uncle who had had a few drinks, a kebab and decided he wanted to get his Karaoke on."

"It's all about building the UK brand and me taking RWD to the European's." She says of her shocking news. So will this be another pop wash out "Nope, I'm thinking about working with Wiley, Terror Danjah, Low Deep, Plactician or Statik (for the grindie hook up). I wouldn't mind getting Tropical with JME. It will broaden our fan base to the wide depths and breadths of Europe." Nice. Good luck Hats and we wish you the very best with this project, she leaves us with, "Watch this space. Those Belarusian's won't know what hit 'em." For more info check Hattie's blog, or The Eurovision Website.