Leo the Lion
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
It was all about the free bar to kick the night off – I’m starting to sound like a deadbeat alchy now – as the RWD team made sure our 30+ minute wait in the queue outside was justified. After the warm up; drinking and brushing shoulders with minor TV celebs, Leo the Lion made his way to the stage.
Just before he graced us with his presence he was introduced in a Michael “Let’s Get Ready To Rumble” Buffer fashion by some dude with slick back hair. Leo then appeared all in white – in contrast to his trio of backing singers who were synchronised in a cruel turquoise – and went straight into his set. The singer was in a bubbly mood and had somekind of glitter above his right eye but that didn’t deter us from the performance.
The tracks were decent, with a few highlights that included Old Fashion Love Song, Nite Nite and a Skinnerless rendition of The Streets’ Dry Your Eyes. Bar those treats, there was unfortunately nothing much that really stood out.

With Kelly^^^
Actually there was also a blast from the past as he dropped Coming Home which was a personally favourite in the day…
Remember? Good luck with the project Leo, I think you're gonna need it.
For those who care his LP is called Big Trouble In London and it’s out very soon I do believe, check MySpace.com/leothelionofficial for that.
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