is you!!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Danny MacAskill - "Way Back Home"
This is AMAZING!!!
Find out more here -
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Streets - Computers and Blues (Videos and Tour Dates Inside)
I'm very excited about the forthcoming Streets album, Computers and Blues. As we all know the previous project, Everything Is Borrowed, was half-decent but bar From The Edge Of A Cliff and From The Edge Of A Cliff there wasn't really much to shout about/ remember... Oh and From The Edge Of A Cliff. So all eyes are on 7 February 2011 as that's when Computers and Blues is due for release.
Here is what I know so far...
The new video, Going Though Hell is here - and the making of is here...
Trust Me is cool... sick beat, reminds me of a younger Skinner...
Trust Me...
Here is the track listing...
* 1. Outside Inside
* 2. Going Through Hell
* 3. Roof Of Your Car
* 4. Puzzled By People
* 5. Without A Blink
* 6. Blip On A Screen
* 7. Those That Don't Know
* 8. Soldiers
* 9. We Can Never Be Friends
* 10. ABC
* 11. OMG
* 12. Trying To Kill M.E.
* 13. Trust Me
* 14. Lock The Locks
Here are the Computers and Blues Tour Dates...
THE STREETS HMV Picture House Edinburgh FRI, 18/02/2011
THE STREETS O2 ABC Glasgow Glasgow SAT, 19/02/2011
THE STREETS Engine Shed Lincoln SUN, 20/02/2011
THE STREETS O2 Academy Liverpool Liverpool MON, 21/02/2011
THE STREETS O2 Academy Oxford Oxford WED, 23/02/2011
THE STREETS O2 Academy Leeds Leeds THU, 24/02/2011
THE STREETS O2 Academy Birmingham Birmingham FRI, 25/02/2011
THE STREETS Rock City Nottingham SAT, 26/02/2011
THE STREETS Norwich U.E.A. Norwich MON, 28/02/2011
THE STREETS O2 Academy Bristol Bristol TUE, 01/03/2011
THE STREETS Academy Manchester THU, 03/03/2011
THE STREETS WITH BROTHER Brighton Dome Brighton FRI, 04/03/2011
THE STREETS O2 Academy Brixton London SAT, 05/03/2011
THE STREETS O2 Academy Newcastle Newcastle SAT, 12/03/2011
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Forgot to Post This: Lacoste Legends (Sebastien Tellier) Video
Shit trainers but QUALITY video to promote them...
iPhone 4 the New CrackBerry?!?!?

Every night before closing my eyes and drifting off to dreamland I take a stroll through the App Store to see what the latest games, gizmos and "essentials" are... The other day I stumbled upon the amazing Tunein Radio (allows you to stream radio from all over the world over 3G and of course Wi-Fi) and now I'm using the versatile Blog Press... I'm not even going to get started on how hooked I was on Trainyard.

So I put it to... Is the iPhone 4 - which now has much-needed multitasking, better battery, etc - the new CrackBerry?!?! After all the theory that people are ONLY on BlackBerry's for BBM and an amazing email client keeps getting thrown about.
Hmmmmm discuss...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Diesel 30 Day Turbodenim Challenge – Day 4
It’s now Day 4 of the jeans challenge. Day 4? Feels like we’re in a series of 24 right now, especially when we’re trying to turn raw denim jeans into vintage classics in just 30 days. Any minute Jack Bauer could jump out of a cupboard, grab us up, tie us with telephone wire up and force us to tell him everything?!?!? EVERYTHING!?!?!?!
Ok, so last time you saw us using Nandos Extra Extra Hot crisps to tick off one of the challenge boxes, WIPE. Diesel’s Turbodenim reacted very well to the Peri-Peri-ness and they still remain in a great condition. Oh, yeah. We’ll see about that. Let’s put these bad boys to the test.
As you can see from the zip card above there are many stages still to get through. But to speed this process up, today we went for CLIMB, SLIDE, TUMBLE, ROLL and… IRON…?!?!?
Keep locked to to find out how we’re getting on with our pairs of Turbodenim and remember when you get yours, those who photograph their best efforts and upload them to or the most innovative and imaginative methods will be in the draw for one of Diesel’s amazing prizes.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Diesel 30 Day Turbodenim Challenge – Day 1
When Uncle Sam came knocking on the rhinestone-clad doors of Elvis, Shaggy and Muhammad Ali they didn’t go running like scared little babies, afraid foreign forces would get the better of them. They stood up to be counted, they knew it was their time to make a difference and sculpt the world into a better place. Ok, maybe Muhammad did some running but you know what we mean. A few decades down the line and Diesel decided to call up RWD’s Danny Walker and Chidi Ubani to partake in their 30 Day Turbodenim Challenge…
Answering the call was a simple one, “What, we get free Diesel jeans? Yeah, we’re up for that.” However, actually participating was a different story, we had to read a press release, know what waist size we were and (to top it off) navigate halfway across London (about three stops on the Underground) to pick them up. Tough work don’t you think?
After the hardship of the journey, it was a pleasure that Carnaby Street still hadn’t woken up yet. Without brushing a single shoulder or stepping on anyone’s toes we infiltrated the Diesel store. Only one decision left now… skinny fit or regular? Although the skinny fit was a good cut, it was all about regular ones.
So what is this 30 Day Challenge about?
When Diesel and ISKO™ – the world’s biggest denim manufacturer – joined forces to create Turbotech™, who’d have thought it would be RWD getting the call to try out their new range of Turbodenim. Basically we have to crawl, stretch, skid, tumble, climb, surf, lift, dive and skank in our jeans to see if we could age them in a month.
Sounds good, right? President and founder of Diesel, Renzo Rosso, also spoke highly of the new collab. “This incredible, innovative fabric, developed in collaboration with ISKO™, allows denim to live and change according to the wearer’s lifestyle. It’s a real second skin – enjoy it!” And we will Renzo.
So here is what we need to do for the next 30 days…!?!?!?!
And more images from Day 1…
Keep locked to to find out how we’re getting on with our pairs of Turbodenim and remember when you get yours, those who photograph their best efforts and upload them to or the most innovative and imaginative methods will be in the draw for one of Diesel’s amazing prizes.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Quick Review: The Social Network
There has been a lot of a talk about this ‘Facebook film’ and now it’s out today (15/01/2010) we’re finally allowed to talk about. Is it a bag of shite or is it a bag of grease?!?!?
The Social Network
Sony Pictures Releasing
Cert 12
Without a shadow of a doubt Facebook has changed the way everyone socialises and director David Fincher’s film about its CEO Mark Zuckerberg and the rise of the Billion Dollar social experiment takes you through the highs and the lows of the site we love/ loath today.
It’s not the most action-packed, gripping, chilling or even entertaining of films but it gets the grey matter working. The Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake starring drama is a story about friends, ideas and not giving up on your dreams; even if your dreams are simply making your ex-girlfriend jealous (which seemed to be half of the motivation for Zuckerberg). If you’re an entrepreneur, a coder or even a blogger, this will inspire you to turn your solo ramblings into something much more.
Liking Timberlake’s interpretation of Napster founder Sean Parker and the feeling of ‘I can do that’ when you leave, we can easily confirm that ‘Danny Walker Likes This’
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Behind the Scenes: PXL Clothing Factory
My favourite t-shirt brand, PXL Clothing, take us behind the scenes of their factory... (where the magic happens)... As always, "All PXL garments are hand printed by seasoned vets, meaning the quality of print and longevity of the design is second to none..."
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Seaweed - 25 Seconds of Briliance from tellno1ne (from the YouTube Playlist Shortlist)
This is quite brilliant...
I know!!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Quick Review: F1 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Tron Legacy (Trailer) Looks Sick!!!
Might have to watch the old (first) one again...
...if I can dig it out that is.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Quick Review: Wireless Festival 2010 - Super Sunday
After Glastonbury, Wireless Festival is always next on our ‘Must Go To’ event list at the beginning of the year and 2010’s didn’t disappoint… long-arse review by Danny Walker. Pictures by Jessica Gilbert. Video by the RWD Office Cam…
With Pink, Snoop Dogg and Jay-Z headlining Friday, Saturday and Sunday, respectively, Wireless organisers had once again been on-point with main acts. Last year Basement Jaxx and Kanye West got temperatures raised and last weekend, thanks to the ridiculous temperature, it didn’t take much for collars to be sweating. With Pink and Snoop headlining on days that we didn’t attend we’re going to focus on what we thought was the weekend’s best day… Sunday.
Despite Drake pulling out, the whole office wanted to go to what we renamed ‘Super Sunday’ and after dodging the sweaty ticket terrorists on the outskirts of Hyde Park, we sidestepped the MASSIVE queue and strolled in via the press entrance. Thank God for being press. On our arrival J.Cole was in the Pepsi tent, we instantly heard his arrival; “For those who don’t know who the f**k I am, I go by the name of J.Cole!!!” The response to his presence in the UK was overwhelming considering his output has been virtually non-existent over here. Reeling off tracks like Lights Please and his ruthless rendition of A Star Is Born he was easily one of the reasons this year’s fest was a classic. More J.Cole please.
Meanwhile it was time for the UK to do their thing and on the mainstage were the collective we like to call Roll Deep. Mainly because that is their name. Wiley was actually on stage and alongside, Flow Dan, Breeze and the team they spat out singles like nobody’s business, to a blisteringly hot reception might we add. Their forthcoming single, Green Light, went down well but Good Times (aided by a jovial Jodie Conner) was easily the deepest in which they rolled.
Whilst passing through backstage the RWD Office Cam caught up with Bluey Robinson, Fugative and our boy Devlin.
After the quick stint in the press area – sorry, but we weren’t there to do actual work – it was off again to the music. Time for Professor Green to reignite the Pepsi Stage. He did just that. Starting his set with Hard Night Out and Kids That Love To Dance (the latter is taken off his impending album Alive Till I’m Dead) he let loose a few anthems; Just Be Good To Green, rock-riddled Oh My God [produced by Labrinth] and of course I Need You Tonight. The highlight of the shortened set was when he was joined by Maverick Sabre to perform Jungle (another track from his debut LP). If you haven’t heard Jungle, it’s a massive bloody track and seems as though it was made for big speakers. Wireless’ were big. The True Tiger produced dubstep tones reverberated through the crowd and it went off!!! Green left the stage asking if he’d brought a “vibe”… [insert your own R.Kelly reference here].
Tinie ‘would you risk it for a chocolate biscuit’ Tempah (how many times did he reload Pass Out?!?! It was crazy), Chipmunk, Lily Allen (another nip slip, we thinks) and Friendly Fires were then perfect appetizers for the main event…
But not before a long-arse wait…
And then a countdown… and then…
Dressed in ‘All black everything’ Jay-Z took to the stage like a man possessed, we feel he was determined to put on a good show, from the off. Run This Town, On The The Next One were fired out in quick succession and he soon found himself shouting Death to Autotune. Which still hasn’t died by the way… they’re still T-Paining too much. Jay was soon joined by friend, protégé and Roc Nation signee Memphis Bleek and the party atmosphere raised about three notches. This coincided with personal favourite and one of the tracks of the day, 99 Problems. There was something about that track that had guys linking arms, girls shouting the lyrics as loud as they could and everyone throwing their diamonds ups. Anyhow, after an impromptu medley consisting of the Prodigy’s Breathe and the House of Pain’s Jump we soon found our ears on familiar ground; Can I Get – minus Ja Rule of course, on that note, where is Ja Rule? – I Just Wanna Love You and the amazing Interlude from The Black Album.
It was obvious that Jay-Z wanted this musical lesson to be as accessible as possible and soon drew for Empire State of Mind, Dirt Off Your Shoulders and brought out an appreciative J.Cole for A Star Is Born. Another big part of the set. For those who don’t know he performed Izzo and for the backback audience he unleashed Run-DMC sampling Jockin’ Jay-Z (Dopeboy Fresh). He then ended this section of his Wireless Festival set with Show Me What You Got and the appropriate Thank You from Blueprint 3. “Thank you thank you thank you… You’re far too kind. Hold your applause this is your song not mine.” Quality!!!
Between all of the above, Jay joked/ conversed with the crowd, saying that ‘he loved’ London and dropped the odd furious freestyle and old-verse. He seemed to revel in our appreciation of his flow and the fact that we know he can still (kinda) keep up with the fastest spitters in the game. Or maybe it was the fact that Beyoncé was apparently backstage so she’d obviously got him ‘relaxed’ for the show.
Anyway after the fake ending – like he was gonna leave Hyde Park alive without doing Encore – he asked the crowd to “shout out a song” and then he asked his band to “just play something real quick” when he couldn’t hear anything clearly. During this time he hastily worked his way through 03’ Bonnie and Clyde (was it us or did everyone think B’ was gonna come out?), Girls Girls Girls and another crowd-pleasing anthem, Big Pimpin’. The actual end of the weekend comprised of Jay-Z throwing out merchandise – via a comical confusion with the security guard “Hello, hellooooo… give that to them? Jesus Christ!!!” – him getting everyone to throw peace signs up for Notorious BIG, Big L, Pimp C, Aaliyah, Tupac and another fallen musicians before a sing-a-long to Hard Knock Life. The final moments involved a ‘we’ve come a long way’ Barack Obama big up and then a crutch-needy Mr Hudson limping out on stage, “now that is commitment, right there,” said Jigga as they performed Young Forever. As the lighters lit up the park it was the perfect setting to drop the last tune of the night. And what a tune… Encore. Did we want more? Yes. Brilliant day.
A good time was had by all!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
RWD Get The Apple iPad
Just when the week couldn’t get any better – with England actually qualifying for the last 16, the rapturous response to our 100th issue and Example and Giggs dropping big albums – Apple bike over a little wonder machine also known as, The iPad. The Gods must be smiling down on us…
Love it or hate it. The iPad is an amazing bit of technology; another landmark launch from the California-based company. Many refer to it as an ‘iPod Touch on steroids’, or a ‘big stupid iPhone minus the call facilities’ but we refer to those many as ‘fools’. Yeah, it’s expensive – with prices starting from £429 for the 16GB Wi-Fi only version rising to £699 for the all singing all dancing all surfing all blogging, 64GB WiFi and 3G version – but can that price be justified? We rip open the box to find out.

On first impression
We’d only seen an iPad on TV, in all the print advertising and during an opportune visit to the Westfields’ Apple Store. Never had we had one to play with or customise to RWD’s hectic professional lifestyle (basically we need to add a couple of albums and get Twitter on the mother and we’re good to go). First we can tell you that the 64GB Wi-Fi device is not THAT light. It weighs the same as a bag of sugar, or ten Dizzee Rascal albums (the good ones) or something like that (0.68kg to be precise). However it is amazing. The display is crisp like Walkers and when the home screen first opened up a little bit of sex wee escaped.
The first day
The initial 24 hours was obviously spent – after fighting over who was gonna take the inaugural session –trying to get as much from the iPad as possible. With Wi-Fi enabled we took a trip to our favourite website ( and the browsing was perfect, we may not use Safari on our desktops but on the iPad it works like a (wet) dream. Despite not having the ability to display Adobe Flash, YouTube videos like Rusko’s Hold On worked full screen without a glitch and looked amazing. Really like that song. After linking the unit up to our iTunes – which admittedly took longer than we were expecting, mainly as we had to download the latest software – adding videos (Peep Show), photos and of course music was easy.
The second, third, fourth, and fifth day
The following days were about Popular Science+, iBooks, iHobo, Modern Conflict HD, Metro, Top Gun, Google Earth, WordPress, IMDb, Tris, Tetris, Touch Hockey, Street Fighter IV, and of course Grand Theft Auto China Town Wars.
The best of which…
Popular Science + (£2.99) is a digital magazine which is perfect for tablets. Once you figured out the innovative navigational system the content was consumed with ease. Despite all of its faults this is a great app to show off the iPad as a reading device.
iBooks (FREE) you might have heard of this one, another amazing app for those want to read on the move.
Modern Conflict HD Lite (FREE) although we downloaded the free version of this strategic, Command & Conquer-like app and it’s very graphic-light it was bloody addictive.
Metro (FREE) nice and simple.
IMDb (FREE) brilliant for movie moguls on the move. Especially once who like to watch HD trailers.
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (£5.99 but imported from the iPod) Brilliant fun but on a larger screen. Click here to read our review of this game.
Street Fighter IV (£5.99 but imported from iPod) once you sort out the controls this is a good port from the iPod Touch/ iPhone. Although the iPad was tricky to hold it shows that this can be a great gaming machine. We just need a HD version. Click here to read our review of this game.

The verdict
After having an iPad for a week, general opinion from the RWD team is that we all want one (well most of us). Although many of the crew have laptops, iPhones and iPod Touches there is just something about this creative contraption that sparks a lustful feeling of ‘Buy it’ every time you switch it on. Whether the decent battery life, large screen and the features will warrant the purchase, depending on if your bank account will back up the transaction (imagine what you can buy with £429+) and considering Apple’s new iPhone 4 has dropped, your reason for buying one HAS to be backed up by more than just the fact that Steve Jobs says you should. Those that consume/ read/ watch videos/ blog on the move, this is you!!! Those that love amazing gadgets, this is you!!! Those that want to be stared at every time you whip it on the bus (seriously people stare it you like you’re Bin Laden), this is you!!!
I want an iPad… whether I will part with the p’s… I don’t know.