Friday, March 14, 2008

New York - Part 2: What’s Cool

If you haven't been to New York it's pretty simple really. It's a great place but there’s not really a sophisticated format to the joint. When you’re not in a taxi…

Taxi Queue

You’ll be on the Subway… I love this sign.

No Stereos!!!

When you’re not on the subway, you’ll be shopping. Here is a blurry fiasco of a pic of me on 5th Avenue opposite the underground Apple Shop. It symbolises the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. It truly is the city that doesn’t sleep – Even though I heard snoring over on the Upper West Side (near Broadway and 75th).

5th Avenue

When you’re not shopping, you’ll be eating! The food is great. I recommend The Shake Shack in Madison Square Park (near the Flat Iron Building) – make sure you get a Flat Top Dog without cheese. For some reason American’s put cheese on eeeeeverytthing. I even saw cheese on a dog shit once. If you want to LIVE do not go to iHops (The International House of Pancakes) . ANY MEAL THERE WILL TAKE OFF FIVE YEARS OF YOUR LIFE. Despite tasting like the Virgin Mary crafted each feast herself… the gallons of grease WILL get ya.

Notice the cheese on the eggs…???Bacon, CHEESE, sausage and Eggs

There are more pics on My Flickr