Ok, so I'm in the Alwayz Recording studios, deep in the heart of North London and I bump into Wretch 32 – who gives me his 3 Verses CD – anyway. I’m leaving and he says, “Oh yeah, I done a ting for you on a remix”… ok, there’s me thinking he’s gonna be sending for man and I’m gonna have to write some bars. Na, I wasn’t really but that sounds funny me battling Wretch.
Truthfully, I think nothing of it and go about my ridiculously busy day, standard. Next thing I know… a couple of weeks later (about a week ago) I start getting text messages and emails from people saying I'm mentioned on the big Black Boys remix? I’m like huh? Well, here it is… -03:08 on the dot. Big. Safe Wretchclart.
Here are my appearance stats…
Total times mentioned in a tune now; about 2.
Total times mentioned on artist credits: about 5. (It would be more but “apparently” Skepta “forgot” me, deep. I’m cool. The ego recovered a long time ago.
Total times mentioned in non-RWD articles: about 1.
Total times pictured in non-RWD articles: about 2.
Total times a deadout car of mine has featured in RWD or on a DVD: about 2.
Total times my name has been printed in RWD: about a million.
Total times sent for on RWDmag.com/forum; 290.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Black Boys Remix
Chipmunk - Who are you?
Video looks like it's gonna be sick. Check the making of... Westwood is actually funny on this. Hate him or loath him, you gotta admit Westwood is funny. Anywayz, looked like a good turn out. Can't wait to see the full thing.
Chipmunk... Fire Alie?
Track is big. Video is alright,Alwayz Recordings putting out a little Internet thing... I respect that. Tis cool still.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Give Blood Today... So I did.
Alongside Ashley Walters, Danny John-Jules (Kat from Red Dwarf) Mo George (Gus from Eastenders) and Robbie Gee (Snatch/ Lee from Desmonds - done know about Desmonds), I gave blood yesterday. I'm not asking for a medal (although a cookie would be nice) its all about others doing the same. Especially those from the black and asian communities. Go go go... Or at least think about it.
Here are the sweets, fruit and goodies. That's right you get FREE munch... FREE, I tells ya. If saving lives doesn't get you in the booth how about FREE munch? Did I mention it was FREE?
Gus Mo and Kat Danny. They were really up for it, "Today is going good thank you very much," I hear after asking a quiet Mo how his day was going. "I just wanna eat some of this food and get myself ready. I haven't done my test yet but Danny has done it all." Sounding exactly like his iconic 90s character Mr John-Jules pipes up. "Yeah, I dunno if they put it in or took it out but something has happened." The two join each other in a nervous laugh. "I'm buzzing now and I feel good. It's all for a good cause."
The fact that so few donors come from the black and asian communities was a suprise to us all. "I was one of those people that knew about it but just didn't do it," Mo informs. "I went to the ACLT earlier this year and made sure I put my name down." Danny continues, "We need to tell the man dem cos everyone gets knocked down and run over. The low levels [of blood] are dangerous right now. Just think it could be one of your family next time."
Mid interview, I get called for my test...
Waiting in the room... Aghhhh
Here is the test (they need to make sure you can actually give blood). I didn't ask what it was for excatly, but they need to do it. This mini-test thing was nothing. I guess Posh Spice gets a small prick every other night so if she can handle it so could I (no homo).
Here's the room where it all goes down...
I sat down next to someone who I thought was going to soldier the whole thing but it turns out Asher D Ashley Walters isn't so So Solid after all. He was making pure noise. Smiles and laughter of uncertainty were meet with half-jokes of, "WHO SIGNED ME UP FOR THIS", crys of, "How is it going Mo?" and "AgggGGhhhhhh". He was cool in the end though.
Meanwhile, they took their 170ml of Walkeraid: The Good Stuff and across the room Mo - who was videoing the whole event - let loose his thoughts. "That's fantastic" as he looked at his pint of warm blood being packed away next to the fresh helping of Dannydonian Spring. "I can't believe it and that is gonna help up to THREE people." It sure is dude. After that I was done. I may have been a pint of Formula Walks down but felt good knowing I'd finally done my bit. Standardly, on my way to the door I grabbed my weight in shortcake biscuits and fled into the night!!! You-know-dem-way-dere!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Quick Review: American Gangster
I'm not even gonna rabbit on, this film is www.ssssshower.net/verygood. All I have to say is Frank Lucas aka Mr Washington , Russell Crowe and of course Ridley Scott better win something or I'm gonna go down to where they allocate awards and kick-off!!! My Man!!!
Heroes Season II/ Series 2/ two (Download Business)
Bruv, I'm on a season II flex... You-know-dem-bit-torrent-download-way-dere? Anywho, I don't wanna spoil it for those still watching it on BBC but... it's big. Imagine King Kong but without the fur kinda big. My mate is still watching the first series on on terrestrial television, lol. I mean come on. Also if anyone else has Season I on HD-DVD we need to talk cos how big is that... Imagine something really big and then wrap it in a 8 disc boxset!!!
If you don't like Heroes... Shuduup
Kano - Feel Free - Official Music Video!!!
Really really like this video. I think it helps that I like the tune as well. I think this is one of his best (at this point I'm thinking Ps and Qs is still at the top - I know what you're gonna say, "Brown Eyes or Nite Nite cos man was overseas and shit" but I don't business, this is tight - no homo). Very profesh me thinks. It will be interesting to see where it charts on 10 December... very interesting.
Mark Ronson 'Valerie'
Really like the idea behind this vid. It's obvious they couldn't get the real Winehouse to do it - as she was probably face down in her own hair - so I like what they did.
Friday, November 16, 2007
I Lost the Race to Download T2's Heartbroken
^^^ That's T2 in RWD's About to Blow from AGES ago ^^^
Hattie (editor of RWD, friend and personal mentor) and I had a race to see who could download Heartbroken the fastest… I lost!!! She and her waste Mac had it playing out loud before I could get a sniff. I think she was already signed in though so it wasn’t fair. Anyway I hope it goes top ten… it should do, it’s absolutely smashing the download chart.
DAMN… I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THE EXTENDED MIX!!! (it’s 3 minute longer than the radio edit)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Why is it...
Why is it...
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Whenever I go to the shop to get a Nurishment the best flavour is NEVER available for 79p. The other DEADOUT flavours must not sell, especially banana. I always see a special offer on the other flavours. I'm gonna write a letter to da people dem!!! Along with bloody Sky and Orange... Its letter writing season!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Ballet Kids Cranking That Soulja Boy...
I've watched quite a few clips of this dance and so far this is the best...