Every so often I put my graphics degree to some use, let me know what you think. Click on the darn link...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Irony in it's highest form...
Irony in it's highest form...
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
As you know I've spent a large portion of my adult life documenting the movements of Crackheadious Domulie or in laymans terms Crackheads. Today the species took it to new levels. Not only were to males BUYING alcohol at 10AM but one of the weedier ones was wearing a stained superman t-shirt. I wonder what possessed this non-man to 'obtain' this tee? Was it his ex-ray vision? If you don't know Crackheadious Domulie can see cans of beer or cider through walls. Or was it the fact that they're faster than a speeding bullet - but ONLY when running to an Oddbins tasting session.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Doctor - Gotta Man
I like the tune but I'm not too sure the video actually fits? I dunno. Maybe it should have been in a club or something or maybe... No in-fact that look is played out. It should have been done in a German barn with Doctor (in full Dr. get-up) trying to pull the farmer’s daughter. Now THAT is a video concept - major labels, if you want a consultant there's more where that came from.
Friday, March 23, 2007
MTV Spanking New Music/ N-Dubz Leave - Part 11
MTV Spanking New Music/ N-Dubz Leave - Part 11
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
To get the full enjoyment please go to Part 1. I was going to do 10 parts but when I saw N-Dubz leave I had to inform you guys. It wasn't the fact that they were leaving in two separate cars - with "Dappy" in the back seat shouting, "It's N-Dubz, It's N-Dubz" it was the fact that they were BLARING OUT THEIR OWN TUNES FROM BOTH CARS. Self-promotion in its highest form if you ask me.
MTV Spanking New Music/ Backstage Sweat Rags - Part 10
MTV Spanking New Music/ Backstage Sweat Rags - Part 10
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Snooping backstage and found these at the side. I think Unklejam used them the most - upstairs in the "Greenroom" [Which wasn't green] there were towels lying about with make-up on. Also an artists' best friend is bottled water. Cases and cases of Volvic are everywhere, its like a Sainsburys local. PS - Wiley turned up
MTV Spanking New' Time To Leave - Part 9
MTV Spanking New' Time To Leave - Part 9
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
People are heading for the door after a good night out. Its time for us to go to the MTV "afterparty". As long as its packing my friend al cohol I don't mind. There are pure people hanging about but its officially over... Kano was biggle (haven't used that world for a while) and JME was another highlight - It was good to see what the fuss over Unklejam was about too - time to go...
MTV Spanking New Music/ It's K.A. - Part 8
MTV Spanking New Music/ It's K.A. - Part 8
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Now this is what I call love. Kano is getting braps left, right and centoooor. The RWD are now going crazy. Kane is dropping tracks from the new mixtape like title track London Town. He's also unleashing some album business... Big. I'm not sure about the "sound system"... But hey, Its K.A.
MTV Spanking New Music/ Unklejam - Part 7
MTV Spanking New Music/ Unklejam - Part 7
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Boy these Unklejam boys (or is it boyz) is crazy, relaxed hair, shiny/ glitter-based suits and afros. The perfect combination to get your arse committed. The have been getting a half decent recation though.
MTV Spanking New Music/ Backstage with JME and Co. - Part 6
MTV Spanking New Music/ Backstage with JME and Co. - Part 6
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Basically I'm chilling back stage with Trevor Nelson, Maximum and that. JME is getting mobbed, these jailbait girls want a piece boy. Skepta's name is being shouted too. Girl Better Know if you want a bit of the Adenuga stuff.. You better fight the crowds.
MTV Spanking New Music/ No Love For N-Dubz - Part 6
MTV Spanking New Music/ No Love For N-Dubz - Part 6
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Now JME got love. N-Dubz received absolutely no love. It was like Tony Blair was dropping rhymes. Its a shame, they obviously have some fanbase but it wasn't in Bristol. I'll speak to Dappy later...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
MTV Brand Spanking New/ JME - Boy Better Know - Part 5
MTV Brand Spanking New/ JME - Boy Better Know - Part 5
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
It is currently "A lot" big performance from JME. The kids are going crazy. Wow the power of the Boy Better Know label. Skepta is trying to film whilst bobbing his head to "Boy Better Know"... Logan is here too. Maximum is pon decks... Raj knows.
MTV Spanking New Music/ The Beer's Gone - Part 4
MTV Spanking New Music/ The Beer's Gone - Part 4
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
I'm currently backstage, chatting to the artists and drinking beer. Standard
MTV Spanking New Music/ The BEER!!! - Part 3
MTV Spanking New Music/ The BEER!!! - Part 3
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Oh... It has arrived. This is the first... It won't be the last.
MTV Spanking New Music/ Taxi Breh - Part 2
MTV Spanking New Music/ Taxi Breh - Part 2
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Here is our blacked-out taxi. I swear it was sitting on 15's... Gangsta. He took us to the venue. We arrived and there were PURE people in the quene... Getting ready for the madness!!!
MTV Spanking New Music/ Trip To Bristol - Part 1
MTV Spanking New Music/ Trip To Bristol - Part 1
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Via mobile phone - OK, so we're going to Bristol to see Kano and whatnot (whatnot include JME, Unklejam and N-Dubz) courtesy of MTV. So we (we include myself and Raj Kapone) have already MISSED our train and have to fork out 60 bucks EACH to buy a peak time ticket. The "helpful" guys at the ticket office informed us buying a single and using our cheap day return is the only way... Long. The pic above is Raj's crazy way to do Sudoku... Look at his little gay numbers. Have to go getting off the train... NOW!!! Arghhhh
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
RWD Magazine - Issue 64 - Out Now!!!
Beat Stevie?!?!
Ny's Video Diary From The RWD Cover Shoot

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Miniature "Clash" from The Movement DVD
When Wiley’s not on the RWD Forum clashing his fans/ enemies he often "clashes" pon road. He’s an example from The Movement DVD.
Is it my boog PC or is the sound actually f'd.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Streets’ Mike Skinner Cuts Off His Beard!!!
For those standing on outside of the loop – looking on as if it were a foreign object on the bottom of your Air Force 1’s – worry not; all will be revealed...
Reaction to the original images of thus beard came straight away and Streets enthusiasts soon left a comment or two. The best of which came from Sexy Sam aka Drunken Diva, it was simple and to the point, following the main gist of the rest of the remarks, “AHHHH MIKEY!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?? PLEASE SHAVE IT OFF!!!” Other words used to describe Skinner’s new features were as follows, “rank”, “sick” and “mangy”.
Now Mike is back on UK soil he didn’t waste any time in sorting his lower facial region. Whist revealing a new pic, he tells readers, “My chin and face are back. The beard reached its peak the other night when I saw my new favourite band.” He continues with record label talk, “I can't believe 679 just signed The Rifles cos they are MY band.” Yes the same Rifles who were on Soccer AM, “This led me to believe a lot more people knew about my band than I thought. Anyway they are MY band and when they get massive I want you to remember that.”
To read/ make comments on Skinner’s new baby face get on over to MySpace.com/thestreets, where you’ll be greeted by insightful observations like the one from The Streets’ MySpace “friend” Max Power “U LOOK 16 lol”.

Roll Deep Crew - Celebrate That
Half decent video, shot at the Old Blue Last. I really want the blue lights for my house... Imagine them in your living room... c'mon. Impossible is nothing.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
What Do YOU Think? Mr Hudson - Too Late Too Late
Feeling the Dirtee Stank remix better but this is alright still... Track aside, I really want to ask him about that hat.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Ask Raj About Doughnut Dedication
Ask Raj About Doughnut Dedication
Originally uploaded by Danny Walker 1.
Today TWO boxes of Krispy Kremes were delivered to the office... I don't know who by or why... Nor do I care. All I know is that my belly hurts... FOOD!!!
TROPICAL Boy Better Know Tees!!!
Could these be... "A lot"
PS - My ringtone is Holiday... BIG TRACK!!!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Kersal Massive Please Give Up The Game
You know when someone get's editing software on their phone and try to make a music video. This is very bad.